Clinical Aspects 

Bhavani Shankar Kodali MD

Analysis of CO2 waveforms:  

Height of the plateau:

Increases in metabolism raise the height of the plateau whereas decreases in metabolism, cardiac output and effective circulating blood volume reduce the height.1-8 The height of the plateau is also dependent on ventilation. Hyperventilation decreases it whereas hypoventilation can result in a gradual increase in the height of the plateau.


Hypermetabolic states increase the height of the capnograms

Decreases in cardiac output decreases the height of capnograms


Effective circulating blood volume can reduce the height of capnograms


Hypoventilation  (Gradual elevation of the height of the capnogram, base line remaining at zero)

Hyperventilation (Gradual decrease in the height of the capnogram, base line remaining at zero)



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Analysis of capnograms: Descending limb abnormalitiesClinical apects main pageClinical uses or applications of capnography