Clinical Aspects
Analysis of CO2 waveforms:
Prolongation phase II and III:
Prolongation or slanting of the expiratory upstroke phase II occurs when there is obstruction to expiratory gas flow (e.g., asthma, bronchospasm, obstructive pulmonary disease, and kinked endotracheal tube,1-9 or in the presence of leaks in the breathing system.10 A sidetream capnograph may allow gas mixing within the sampling tube (dispersion) if sampling rate is slow (50 ml.min-l) or if the tubing is too long or has too wide a bore, or both. Such dispersion of gases can also result in prolongation of the expiratory upstroke.11-13 The slope of the expiratory plateau (phase III) can be increased during pregnancy as a normal physiological variation.5,14 Besides, it can also result from factors that produce obstruction to expiratory gas flow which may also result in a prolonged phaseII.1-9
Non Pregnant | Capnogram during cesarean section (The slope the expiratory plateau is increased as a normal physiological variation in pregnancy) |
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Normal | Airway obstruction (eg., bronchospasm). Phase II and phase III are prolonged and alpha angle (angle between phase II and phase III) is increased |
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Normal | Capnograms recorded with prolonged response time (Base line is elevated, prolongation of phase II and III, prolongation of inspiratory descending limb) |
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Curare Cleft:
A dip in the plateau (curare cleft) indicates a spontaneous respiratory effort during mechanical ventilation.5,8,10
Curare cleft
A dip in the plateau indicates spontaneous respiratory effort It can also result from surgical manipulations in abdomen |
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Terminal dip of alveolar plateau: Dilution of PETCO2 by fresh gas flow (FGF) in circuits and ventilators using a continuous flow may result in the dilution of expired gases by the FGF’s producing a terminal dip in alveolar plateau. This results in falsely low PETCO2 values.
Normal | Dilution of PETCO2 by fresh gas flow (use of PEEP or CPAP in IMV bird ventilators, can also occur as a result of dilution of expired gases by FGF in rebreathing circuits) |
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1. Weingarten M. Anesthetic and ventilator mishaps: prevention and detection. Crit Care Med 1986;14:1084-6.
2. Paloheimo M, Valli M, Ahjopalo H. A guide to CO2 monitoring. Finland: Datex Instrumentarium, 1988.
3. Van Ganderingen HR, Gravenstein N, Van der Aa JJ, Gravenstein JS. Computer-assisted capnogram analysis. J Clin Monit 1987;3:194-200.
4. Weingarten M. Respiratory monitoring of carbon dioxide and oxygen: a ten-year perspective. J Clin Monit 1990;6:217-25.
5. Bhavani-Shankar K, Moseley H, Kumar AY, Delph Y. Anaesthesia and capnometry. (Review article). Can J Anaesth 1992;39:617-32.
6. Smallhout B, Kalenda Z. An Atlas of Capnography. 2nd e. Utrecht:Kerckebosch-Zeist, 1981.
7. Nuzzo PF. Capnography in infants and children. Pediatric Nursing 1978;May-June:30-8.
8. Cote CJ, Liu LMP, Szyfelbein SK, et al. Intraoperative events diagnosed by expired carbon dioxide monitoring in children. Can Aaesth Soc J 1986;33:315-20.
9. Leigh MD, Jones JC, Mottley HL. The expired carbon dioxide as continuous guide of the pulmonary and circulatory systems during anaesthesia and surgery. J Thoracic and Cardiovasc Surg 1961;41:597-610.
10. Adams AP. Capnography and pulse oximetery. In: Atkins RS, Adams AP (Eds.). Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia. London: Churchill Livingston, 1989;155-75.
11. Pascucci RC, Schena JA, Thompson JE. Comparison of a sidestream and mainstream capnometers in infants. Crit Care Med 1989;17:560-2
12 Badgwell JM, Kleinman SE, Heavner JE. Respiratory frequency and artifact affect the capnographic baseline in infants. Anesth Analg 1993;77:708-11
13. Schena J, Thompson J, Crone RK. Mechanical influences on the capnogram. Crit Care Med 1984;12:672-4.
14. Shankar KB, Moseley H, Kumar Y, Vemula V, Krishnan A. The arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide tension difference during anaesthesia for tubal ligations. Anaesthesia 1987;42:482-6.