The Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2009;23(6)355-61) published performance of a miniaturized mainstream multigas monitor (MSGM). This unit uses infrared technique for measurements of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and inhalation agents and fuel cell technique for oxygen monitoring. The performance of this analyzer was compared to side-stream monitor(Datex-Ohmeda S/5® in a bench study. The response time was 2-4 times shorter for the mainstream monitor. There was a lower bias regarding CO2 accuracy for the side stream system. At high breathing frequency (60BPM) hte sidestream system displayed damped O2 and CO2 trace with amplitude of less than 65% of the main stream system. Both systems were unaffected by water vapor duirng a 3 h test. It would be interesting to compare this system with analyzers usng Microstream technology®.
Berggren M, Hosseini N, Nilsson K. Improved response time with a new miniaturised main-stream multigas monitor. J Clin Monit and Computing. 2009;23(6)355-61.